1)2002 - DE10253433A1 : Thought transmission unit sends modulated electromagnetic waves beams to human receiver to influence thoughts and action without electronic receiver.

NOTE: ... similar methods of creating "clicks" inside the human brain are reported in I.E.E.E. transactions of Biomedical Engineering, volume BME, no.3, May 1978... The transmission of intelligible speech by audio modulated microwave is described in the book "MICROWAVE AUDITORY EFFECTS and APPLICATIONS" by James C.Lin 1978, publisher Charles C.Thomas.

Probably the most horrible consequences of these weapons is that you can NOT protect yourself, your kids, your loved ones anymore. 
You can no longer say: "stay in this room", you are safe here...
Attackers simply look and burn through walls...
POLICE NOT "authorized" to protect you...
Security Services are allowed to tracking you where you go in the streets of Osaka city Japan...
They used/using Black-Agencies working UNDERGROUND with thousands members of "Gangster-Stalking", that's included my neighbors community... 
